Old news
2005-06-09 - michaelz_wumpus : First preliminary findings
on corrupt X files
I've received 3 corrupt X files so far:
Two seem to have single-bytes with values which are simply
incorrect according to my findings. Theoretically both of
these could be fixed by an automatic tool. They could also
have been avoided if the player used 2.6jrc4,
available to download from Stars! Authost's
download section. The only difference between the 2.6
(registered shareware) and 2.7 (retail) versions that I am
aware of are that the 2.6s don't have battle board sound
effects (boohoo!), and they have a different splash screen.
The same serial numbers work for both.
The third corrupt X file is from an AI, and it's a
very interesting one; somehow an order from another
player's X file managed to find it's way into the AI's X
file. Not entirely surprisingly, this order is not at all
valid in the context of the AI player's turn, and thus,
once the X file has been generated, stars! balks at
generating the turn - regardless of OS or version. Why do I
even mention the OS? Because the corrupt X file is
generated consistently... as long as the generation attempt
is done on XP. Try it on 98 (without a pre-existing corrupt
X file), and a valid X file is generated. Most mysterious.
2005-06-08 - michaelz_wumpus : X-file checker and fixer - data needed
I'm working on a tool similar to the race checker which will
check and possibly even repair problematic X files; however,
these are relatively rare and so far I only have two samples to
work with. There seem to be at least two separate categories of
problems with X files - one related to compatibility between
JRC3 and JRC4, and one occuring even within JRC4. I
may have worked out the first of these problems, and am
working on the second - but I need more data for both! If you
have corrupt X files, please send them
to me, with as much accompanying information as possible
- in paticular, the accompanying XY and M files are invaluable,
and if the HST file is available, that would be very helpful
on Autohost (Hosting forum, autohost login required to
read / post).
2005-06-08 - michaelz_wumpus : Race checker and fixer online
I've put up a simple web service to check and optionally repair
race files; it's available at http://wumpus.mine.nu/stars/check_race.php.
It's running on my personal web server at the moment, and thus
will occasionally be down. Trying again 5 minutes later is
unlikely to help. If it's down for more than a few hours, you
can e-mail me.
Feedback is welcome, as usual.
on Autohost (Hosting forum, autohost login required to
read / post).
2005-03-14 - michaelz_wumpus : Mockup of stars-alliances webpages online / Help appreciated
I've put initial mockups for the H file combiner web front end
up here. Use the
links at the top to navigate. The session management has kind
of worked, but didn't automagically on SF - probably because it
wants to write in /tmp and SF doesn't like that, or similar. In
any case, I disabled the need to be "logged in" (with any
username or password :P) - just click on the other links at the
top and they will work (insofar as mockups "work"). It's not
supposed to run on SF in the long run anyway..
It should give you an idea of the way I imagine presenting the
web front end for this tool - if you think it sucks (for the
presentation or for the basic concept), then feel free to come
up with something better. I'm not a huge fan of website design
:P (What, this page already gave you a hint ? Damn :P)
If someone feels inspired by the front end and wants to work on
the backend, I'd be more than happy to accept help there too.
In any of the above cases, just e-mail
me - as usual :-)
2005-03-11 - michaelz_wumpus : What is this actually all about?
I just scanned over the page and noticed that, even reading the
thread linked some time ago, it's not actually clear what it
is that I'm working on, so, here's a quick explanation:
The original objective of the project was to pool source code
and source code snippets for various Stars! utilities, to save
people wanting to do similar work from reinventing the wheel.
This purpose is theoretically still alive and well, but I
haven't pursued it actively.
I decided to make the first step myself by documenting the XY
file format insofar as it was not encrypted. The
documentation hasn't yet been linked yet, sorry - although of
course the source of leit's tool, based on my notes, could be
considered "documentation".
I got a bit carried away investigating the encrypted parts of
the XY files. Somewhere along the way the encryption method
(given key and plaintext, generate the cyphertext) became
A lot of number crunching later, I was able to decrypt almost
any stars! player (X/M/R/H/XY) file (no details of how yet,
sorry :P).
Since then I've been working on deciphering the data
unencrypted data structures, and putting this knowledge to at
least some good use, although admitedly not much to
(publically) show for it.
In future? Who knows.
As mentioned earlier, I have a utility (with a horrible
interface) to merge knowledge from multiple H files to let
players share knowledge of the universe which they can
then see "in game" rather than in an external utility.
Also mentioned earlier, I'm working on a tool to check
submitted X files for various more or less subtle cheats
which the main stars! hosting utility does not pick up.
User-written AIs would certainly be conceivable, although
I would consider this Really Hard. Player aids (eg:
optimize exploration of the rest of the universe using
these 5 scouting ships) could be a nice starting point
A complete server and/or client drop-in replacement for
the original stars! binaries would certainly be
conceivable... If so, I'd like to work together with the freestars
project rather than each of us doing their own thing.
Special "scenario" games could be done; I've already
helped set up one or two special games hosted on AH; One
could even consider scripted games (in paticular turns,
some "random" events occur - from mineral fountains to
comets to Mystery Traders to population explosions...);
it's even conceivable to have a dynamic map (EG: every 10
turns, the known galaxy expands by, say, 2%, or planets
disappear or appear, or...).
Who knows what lese one might be able to do :-)
2005-03-11 - michaelz_wumpus : Added easy and regular AI stats.
The ais.txt file has been
updated with details of the easy and regular AIs; since I only
did these recently, the information missing in the cases of the
tough and exepert AIs is actually present here.
2005-03-06 - michaelz_wumpus : Team knowledge pooling.
Some time ago, I patched together an H file combiner and beta
tested it for some teams in the ringsm
game. It
became moderately polished in that time, and now only really
lacks a web service front end (I still don't feel able to
release the binaries, let alone the source - see the update on
the 10.10.2004). But that's work I find interminably boring, so
the X file checker mentioned in the update below is going to get
more attention for a while.
If someone feels like working on this, I can write up a spec for
what I need; it's fairly simple... Just e-mail
me at Michael "Wumpus" Zinn
2005-03-06 - michaelz_wumpus : Tough and expert AI designs.
Something that came up out of a recent discussion on autohost is
the question
of the AI race designs... So here's details on the expert and
tough AIs, as I determined them some time ago.
2005-03-06 - michaelz_wumpus : Changes on autohost get the wheels rolling again.
So, in the last few months, has there been much progress?
Well.... no. But since autohost has
recently added some password protection to M file
downloads, one of my main concerns with the viability of
putting this work in "the public eye", as open source, is
at least partially addressed, so work has sporadically
My immediate objective is to write a basic validity
checker of X files - given an HST file and an X file, the
checker should catch a few tricks which slip by the stars!
hosting utility. EG: Prior to 2.7jrc4, the validator
could have checked for the freepop hack. I don't
immediately intend to check for "shades of grey" things
(split fleet dodge, N/S or E/W minefleet immunity), but I
will aim to catch some of the more clear cut stuff (quick
starbases, and some nasty X file tricks which - as far as
I know - aren't common knowledge... yet). Most of this is
fairly trivial, but there are some considerations about
how whole universes should be stored in memory I should Do
Right the first time, rather than making a quick hack now
and getting a headache over it later.
As usual, don't hold your breath... "real" (ie: paid :-P)
work (fulltime plus a sideline) is keeping me more than
adequately busy...
2004-10-10 - michaelz_wumpus : News and some long-existing links (finally)
First link: the planet names list mentioned in the last update:
(fontified) or planetnames.c
(plain). Sorry this wasn't linked sooner.
Second link: Map2XY
download. Another one that has been up for a while.
And lastly: In spite of appearances, a lot has happened in the
last 2-and-a-half months. But none of this has been uploaded,
even into CVS, for reasons that you might be able to conclude
from reading this
thread on the Stars!
Autohost forums. (Yes, I
know, subtlety has never been my strong point, at least not in
that kind of thing).
2004-07-24 - michaelz_wumpus : new module xyfile
OK, I've uploaded my tamperings with the xy file into a new CVS
module, xyfile
- a complete
list of the planet names in the un-hacked stars! (as of
2.7jrc4), in their "name id number" order. Yes, the list is
nearly, but not perfectly, alphabetically sorted...
probably some last minute changes by the Jeffs came in
there :)
- read an xy file and
spit out a map file, as per "Dump Universe Definition" in
the in-game menus, or the appropriate command-line parameter
to the game. Not terriby useful in its own right, but it is
complete (as far as I know). NB when run on a unix system,
this generates files identical to what stars! produces. If
run on a windows system, the EOL string probably needs to be
redefined. NB2: The xy file is read from standard input!
- as above, but dump
info on the headers and "mystery" bits of the file. Mostly
for analysis purposes, at the moment.
2004-07-24 - michaelz_wumpus : Welcome to LEit
Welcome to LEit, a new developer who is on board. He'll be
adding 'map2xy' in the next few days, and I'll throw together
the few additional "known" or reasonably hypothesised ideas
about the XY file format that I've gathered.
Is there hope after all that this project isn't completely dead?
2003-03-19 - michaelz_wumpus
Ahem. Right. I'm getting back up to speed again. Hopefully
there'll be some updates over the coming weeks. The project hasn't
been forgotten about. Honest!
Nothing too exciting here yet; but there's a sample of some
of what the script(s) do so far here.
This is from a team game which is now over.
Since there's not a great deal in the way of 'instructions' on the
report page, here's some points on what's so exciting:
The combined fleet report
All fleets are reported exactly once, provided any of the
contributing players' can see it. IE, the combined report will
never show the same fleet twice.
The owner's report of a fleet is chosen in preference to another
contributor's report of a fleet. IE, the Cramontini reports on
Cramontini fleets are used, in preference to Ork or Badger
reports on Cramontini fleets.
When two contributing reports both show the same enemy fleet,
but one has "better" data (IE, knows the actual most-signficant
design name), it would be nice to use this in preference to the
"less complete" data. Note that this becomes difficult -
probably impossible given the data from the text reports
generated by Stars! alone - when an enemy design is replaced,
and the two contributing reports have conflicting non-default
design names. Something that might be worth considering in this
case, is to use a Warmonger's reports in preference to anyone
elses... So the priorities might be: owner > warmonger >
non-default fleet name > default fleet name. This much should
be doable, and indeed not mindblowingly difficult, with the
information currently available in the DB.
Planet reports: A fairly obvious one again, but
there are some things worth noting:
The "best" planet reports from all contributors are used; the
heuristics for determining "best" here are moderately good now:
If available, the planet owner's report is used
Failing that, the most recent available penetrating scan is
Failing that, the most recent non-penetrating scan is used.
Note that non-penetrating planet scans don't really crop up all
that often - they only crop up when a non-scanner equipped fleet
enters orbit of a planet which hasn't been visited at all yet by
that player, OR a scanner-equipped ship is shotdown before it
can send a "full" report. Note that all scanners are
'penetrating' when the carrying ship is in orbit.
A "best guess" of ech planet's habitability for the given race
is calculated. This is calculated using rather messy formulas
that some enterprising souls on the rec.games.computer.stars
newsgroup worked out some time ago. Its not perfect, but seems
to be at worst within 2% of the right value.
Similarly, a "best guess" of the terraformed habitability of
each planet for the given race is calculated, using the race's
current terraforming technology. Total Terraforming is
correctly taken into account. Unfortunately, this relies on the
tech level table in the database being manually updated
regularly, since AFAIK there's no way of determining tech levels
from the reports - except possibly by doing some pretty
heavy analysis of the terraformed habitability values in the
reports produced by stars itself - but that, I suspect, would be
more than just ugly.
Hab images: The current centrepiece :)
The colour of a planet's name indicates the most-recent known
owner (white if none or unexplored).
The size and colour of the planet itself indicates its
Planets with unknown surface conditions are white.
Planets which cannot, with current terraforming technology, be
made habitable, are a fixed radius red circle. If someone
really wants it, it shouldn't be too hard to make the radius
of the red dot dependent on just how hostile the
planetary conditions are (just involves plugging the
appropriate (simple) formula into the hab analyzer generating
the planet reports - its not the same as for habitable worlds.
The changes to the image-generating script are trivial).
Planets which are uninhabitable unterraformed, but can be made
habitable, are a blue dot, with the radius directly
proportional to the terraformed habitability. Note that its
blue rather than yellow, because I'm partially colour blind
and find the yellow and green used by stars very hard to
distinguish... of course I could just use a darker green :P
This really should be configurable anyway (its currently
hard-coded in a PERL script - trivial to change for a coder,
but not for an end user.. :P)
Planets which are habitable without terraforming, are green
with a radius directly proportional to their current
habitability. If terraforming can improve this, then there is
surrounding blue ring, with the outer radius indicating how
large the green circle would be after maximum (current)
terraforming tech was applied.
Unfortunately a number of this still require manual entry into the
DB - such as race information.
Also, more configurable things should be moved into the DB - some
things still are (EG, the xfig colours to be used for each
race - this is why, in the example, the Cramontini/Ork/Badger
planet names are all shades of blue, etc), but more should be.
One day, there should be a gui on all this :) But thats far in the
future at this point, I suspect...
Interested in having a closer look and/or hacking around a bit on
this yourself? Feel free to grab the code, of course (I'll dig
around for anonymous CVS instructions for SF when I have some
time - and I suppose I should think about setting up packages at
some stage), and if you want to contribute something, get in touch
with me: Michael "Wumpus" Zinn
<michaelz_wumpus@users.sf.net> (German or English. You can try
other languages too, but I probably won't understand a word and
discard your mail on the assumption that its spam ,-P)